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Bollywood star and Celebrity Big Brother winner Shilpa Shetty's husband is arrested for 'producing and broadcasting porn films' six years after cricket match-fixing scandal  Raj Kundra, 45, the husband of Bollywood actress and 2007 Celebrity Big Brother winner Shilpa Shetty (together right, Shilpa on the show left) has been arrested by police in Mumbai accused of producing and distributing porn. Kundra was arrested on Monday by detectives who say he is a 'key conspirator' in making and broadcasting adult movies, which is a crime in India punishable by up to seven years in jail.

Brazil co-owns the Itaipu hydroelectric power plant on the Paraná River, which is the world largest operational hydroelectric power plant. Science and technology

'Food allergies took our darling daughters from us': Two mothers united by grief reveal why Britain must act now before others suffer the same fate Emma and Tanya share a tragic bond: both lost their beloved teenage daughters to a food allergy - their children dying frightening, awful deaths as they struggled to breathe. And, in each case, the tragedy is compounded by the knowledge that their child's death was entirely preventable.

From the Amazon basin in the north and west to the Brazilian Highlands in the southeast, Brazil's topography is quite diverse. The Amazon River system carries more water to the ocean than any other river system in the world. It is navigable for its entire 2,000-mile trip within Brazil. The basin is home to the most rapidly depleting rain forest in the world, losing about 52,000 square miles annually.

A further 12 migrants - mainly men from Iran and North and Eastern Africa - were filmed landing their orange rigid hulled inflatable boat on the pebbles at Dungeness, Kent at 11.15am. Sky News showed aerial shots of the men getting out and sitting on the pebble beach while some washed their feet in the presidente Bolsonaro water as a rubber ring brought as a makeshift safety aid floated up shore (top left). One migrant told photographers on the beach the group had paid £3,000 each for the 10 hour crossing, while another was seen wearing a denim jacket with the slogan 'live or die' emblazoned on the back. Today a family-of-six from Kuwait - including children aged 12, 11, seven and one just 20-months old - told MailOnline how they paid people-smugglers thousands of pounds to travel from France to England. 14k comments 4 videos

It's the Paw Patrol! Tesco's sends supermarket staff round its carparks to check dogs aren't left in owners' overheated vehicles as Britain melts in summer heatwave  Tesco staff will patrol carparks outside their stores and help identify dogs that have been left inside shoppers' vehicles as the UK continues to face the extreme heat. 120 comments

Brazil's economy suffered during these regimes with persistently high inflation rate. Notable leaders during this period include Getulio Vargas, who led first as a dictator and later as an elected president.

), в своих истоках близкого авангардизму. На основе образно-стилевой полифонии строится поэзия М. ди Андради

Среди современных тенденций развития аграрного сектора – формирование в ряде регионов монокультурного сельского хозяйства, активная химизации (Б. – крупнейший в мире потребитель сельскохозяйственных химикатов) и применение генетически модифицированных организмов (кукуруза, соя, хлопчатник, кофе и др.), интенсификация сельскохозяйственного производства в северных районах страны (Северо-Восток и Север; сопровождается сведением лесов, Pensamento Brasil вытеснением коренного населения и замещением традиционных сельскохозяйственных культур экспортными плантационными культурами), быстрое наращивание экспорта сельскохозяйственной продукции (в основном в страны ЕС, Китай и США).

). Как и у ара­ту́, в ос­но­ве её хо­зяй­ст­ва – вы­ра­щи­ва­ние горь­ко­го ма­ни­ока.

Covid cases rises just 16% in week, despite scientists' warnings Freedom Day will cause a 'murderous' spike in Covid cases and 'tens of thousands' will die  Experts, including one of the Government's own advisers, said it was 'murderous' to go through with Freedom Day in England today despite surging infections. 4.1k comments 1 video

Ак­ти­ви­сты ле­вых и де­мо­кра­тических пар­тий под­вер­га­лись пре­сле­до­ва­ни­ям по­ли­цей­ски­ми ор­га­на­ми, их так­же тер­ро­ри­зи­ро­ва­ли за­кон­спи­ри­рованные вое­ни­зи­ро­ван­ные ор­га­ни­за­ции.

Pelo sex, pelo cheering, masks on the podium and eating alone... welcome to the Joyless Games! Updated Tokyo 2020 rulebook highlights extreme restrictions Informações on athletes due to Covid  The sex ban has been alluded to by the organisers in several ways.

Lufthansa airline will pelo longer use 'ladies and gentlemen' greeting and will swap for gender-neutral alternative A spokesman for Europe's largest airline group said Alberto Silva the move was intended to make all passengers on board feel welcome, including those who do not identify as male or female. 1.5k comments

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